The Art Of Less and Let Go

TAO in Everyday Life (Listen Before Discerning NEW Bible Truths) Help Pe...

Christ teaches the same but so much of America and Europe just gave up on God and to the extent the Western theologians manipulated Jesus’s sermon on the mount, it’s understandable why there are so many cynics.  Truth be known, 99 percent of both Catholic and Protestants are egregiously exclusionary, dualistic, rigid, hellbent, parochial, addicted to the great Partisanship commandment that hubristically demands:  “Thou shalt be dead RIGHT!”  The reformation and the printing press came along and we became increasingly enamored with words.  After America’s pastoral imperial EGO was wounded by felling left out of the intellectual discussions with Europe, well by gosh we hit a woeful lick at becoming smart too during the 17th century enlightenment (oxymoron).  It’s no coincidence that during the 19th century, after the Roman Catholics decided the Pope was infallible, the divisional Protestant fundamentalists theologians opportunely also decided that the (horribly dissected by this time) bible was inerrant.  We demanded certitude!  To hell with faith, the sacrament of the present moment, the sermon on the mount, love thine enemies, the Holy Spirit and Jesus’s repeated unction of the individual teaching of the Holy Spirit.  Intuition was totally disregarded and “Christianity” was purposefully turned into precisely the opposite of what Jesus taught.  Why?  Money.  Radical grace in spite of its obviously not being mutually exclusive with truth (grace AND Truth were realized through Christ). John 1:27 Oh but theologians demanded that while, of course, us uneducated rubes should all have the Word of God (bible), that they had to interfere with our “incapacity” to rightly and LITERALLY interpret God.  I have yet to hear a priest or pastor mention 1 John 2:27 and other verses rejecting any need for any man to teach inasmuch as the Holy Spirit’s anointing would clearly be our Guide and Comforter just as a Jesus again and again promised.  I should say Max Lucado and Richard Rohr have mentioned the inner witnessing and indwelling Spirit of Truth but up till NOW it largely fell on dreadfully fearful and indoctrinated mental grids.  “Mere words are like quick sand until the real life rope is thrown to people and they then know for themselves from experience.”  33000 de-nominations and the number is metastasizing BUT the theologians forgot about one central Truth and now their hubristic house of cards is crumbling.  “And the Word became flesh..”  OUCH!  Thieves and the avaricious ALWAYS forget something.  This means that Luther was blatantly wrong in calling the Creator’s children mere manure.  Almost blasphemously wrong but the old boy was mad as hell and poor perception does that kind of behavior modification nonsense.  We thought we could agree on words.  “The Word became flesh” to shine Light on the Pope’s infallibility and the rescored Bible’s inerrancy.   Why, in Jeremiah 8:8, the prophet tried to warn us of the scribes politically playing around with Holy parchment paper.   Theologians seemed to miss that.  šŸ¤” Christ is the way but unlike what most pastors proffer, He is not in the way.  Christ is the Tao.  Once anyone organizes the Truth, it invariably becomes something other than truth.  When you lack such humility that you actually make up a letter of “learning” called theology which is by definition “the study of the nature of God and religious belief,” something is grievously off the hinge.   We cannot be more loving than the God we’ve been presented with but ask most Christians about it and they’ll admit their perceptions of God hardly make Him approachable and even lovable.   We can’t be more loving and merciful and inclusive and forgiving and compassionate and understanding than God!  That’s the theological impossibility.  God doesn’t hate anyone.  Do your research and you’ll see that Plato had more influence on the development of organized Christianity than Jesus but NOW the historical gamesmanship is being exposed.  God IS Love.  To even begin to try to explain the “nature of God” is patently absurd.   

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