The Art Of Less and Let Go

What Christ Really Taught? INCLUSIVITY not De-nominations (Richard Rohr)

The gospel itself is neither liberal nor conservative but severely critiques both sides of this false choice. The true good news of Christ will never fill stadiums, because dualistic masses can never collectively embrace an enlightened “Third Way,” which, contemplatively speaking, always feels a bit like nothing, because in this position you are indeed like Christ—you have “no place to lay your head.” Just like the mystery of the Father. Just like the crucifixion of the Son. Just like the anonymity of the Spirit. There are commonly two kinds of human beings: there are people who want certitude and there are people who want understanding; and these two cannot understand one another. Really. Those who demand certitude out of life will insist on it even if it doesn’t fit the facts. Logic has nothing to do with it. Truth has nothing to do with it. “Don’t bother me with the truth—I’ve already come to my conclusion!”

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